Our History

Built on strong Financial Services Conservatism, Risk and Asset Management and substantial Capital outlay, Wren Eames is a privately owned, independently regulated Multi-Family Asset Management and Strategic Advisory Organisation. Our transparent and conservative implementation of a long-term Strategy ensures a balanced view of both current market conditions and future opportunities whilst developing sustainable business models and diverse revenue streams for our Clients.

Our expert versatile team and Group Affiliates have a long and successful track record in representing Corporate and High Net Worth (HNW) Family’s with their Fixed Income, Private Equity, Acquisitions, Strategic Advisory Services, Management and Organisational Consulting, Debt Issuance and Structuring, Project Regulation, Business Structuring, Restructuring and Risk Advisory requirements, for a wide range of assignments ranging from straight forward secured investments to more complex projects such as the creation of Special Economic Regions in a number of jurisdictions around the world.

Wren Eames was initially created as the Financial Services and Organisational Strategy department within the multi-award-winning Asset Development firm AJD GmbH in Germany, providing Clients with Financial Oversight and Advisory Services for Investments, Budgetary Controls and Project Regulation for a wide range of projects in Emerging Markets, Channel Marketing, REIT’s, Hospitality, Project Risk Control, Tender Regulators, Project Oversight and Project Finance.

As a strategically active firm, we deliver the necessary proficiency for cash flow management and long-term capital investment through debt and equity leveraging and aligning our Clients interest with Investment opportunities, meeting their organisational objectives, growth and operational requirements, whilst simultaneously generating healthy returns. Our in-house professional experience combined with our network of market participants, group affiliates and capital markets knowledge deliver consistent Investment Strategies and Performing Portfolios to Investors.

At Wren Eames our primary objective is to provide our conservative financial, strategic and advisory support for debt and equity participation required by Investors, Managers and Companies to thrive and succeed whilst securing sustainable growth. With a stable long-term view on Investments, our coverage and scope currently include but are not limited to Equities, Renewable Energy, Electric Mobility, Logistics, Fixed Income, Money Markets, Real Estate, Educational and Fintech.

Our Mission

Wren Eames at our core is defined by the principled tenets of our Partners Alfred and Michael, that promote the precious skill of staying focus to be one step ahead of the needs of our Clients. Embracing and driving innovation in constant pursuit of lateral thinking in what is a most complex and ever changing business and financial environment, our mission towards our Clients is empowerment through transparency.

Prudent and conscientious in our financial strategies, utilising inversion in investments, enables us to look beyond the immediate, recognising that success and stability is a journey that requires a steadfast quest of agility, discipline and accountability.

Our Team

Our team is diverse and possesses a wide variety of seasoned specialists with many years of Investment, Management, Business and Capital Market experience as well as practical expertise, with current innovative strategic insights. Our global network of Affiliates with leading investment houses and financial institutions allows us to have access to investments and deals that are often not available publicly. This helps us to maintain a relatively low overhead cost while replicating the return performance of the best performing investment strategies and portfolios globally.

Founder + Chief Executive:
Mr. Alfred Lawrence Johnson

Partner + Chief Financial Officer:
Mr. Michael Swanson Davies

Trade Manager:
Ms. Maya Danho

Channels Partner – Hospitality and Real Estate Associate:
Mr. Heinz-Günther Milz

New Business DACH Markets:
Mr. Dimitri Schröder

Asset Administration:
Mr. Darcy Pinpin

Special Advisors:
Mr. Nordine Harfaoui
Mr. Xavier Dominique HM J De Hennin De Boussu-Walcourt
Ms. Cecilia Marzilli

Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption and Counter Terrorist Financing Policies

Wren Eames is committed to full compliance with all applicable and regularly updated laws and regulations regarding Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing as defined by the United States of America, United Kingdom, European Union and Switzerland. Wren Eames has adopted and implements the provisions set forth in our Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption and Counter Terrorist Financing Policies and Procedures, in order to detect and prevent money laundering, terrorist financing and other illegal activities. Wren Eames consider Integrity as a key commitment on the part of the Organisation to uphold strict standards of ethical conduct and hence preservation of a stable value for confidence.

The Organisation’s commitment to this objective is set forth and outlined in our Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Corruption and Counter Terrorist Financing Policies and Procedures document, which is issued to all our Financial Institutions, defines the guiding policies for rigorous prevention and control mechanisms. It includes but is not limited to procedures for detection and reporting of activities possibly linked to money laundering or the financing of terrorist activities, risk assessment, an ongoing compliance training and effectiveness review.

KYC requirements which include requirements for verifying the identity of the client, politically exposed persons or PEPs, heads of associated international organisations, their family members and close associates, beneficial ownership, and third-party involvement such as;

  • Business relationship and ongoing monitoring requirements
  • Record-keeping requirements
  • Reporting requirements

Wren Eames considers PEP’s to be potentially higher risk due to their position and potential access to wealth and resources. The effective implementation of our potential Clients due diligence is a key obligation. Our AML, ABC and CTF policies requires mandatory reporting of entities and Ultimate Beneficial Owners and requirement to undertake enhanced due diligence under our risk‑based systems and controls.

Wren Eames does not trade in Crypto currencies nor do we manage Crypto currency portfolios.


Due to our strict policy of discretion and client confidentiality, we only publish investment and Client details which has been requested by our Clients. Our scope and participation vary and covers multiple jurisdictions. Some of our Corporate engaged Strategic Advisory Clients are:


Our Client Engagement Process

Always forward-looking, Wren Eames Management actively looks after the assets and strategic requirements for our Clients via long term engagement policies. We take a holistic approach, monitor the markets closely, anticipate trends and opportunities, and develop individual tailored solutions. All our Clients engagements have a common factor, our multi-disciplinary approach to taking ownership and actively turning chances into opportunities. We are focused on actively shaping opportunities that align with our Clients individual preferences and requirement.

Wren Eames uses a highly personalised Client engagement strategy that is essential in the empowerment of the Client and the success of the Organisation or Investor. We use a range of activities that keep our Clients and Investors informed about the portfolio’s performance, stages of regulation of their projects or funds, strategy being deployed, risk being mitigated and future investment plans. The importance of Client engagement helps to build and maintain trust, promotes transparency, drives further creation of value and enhances accountability.

Our strategy includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Long term engagement
  • Promoting and establishing a concise, prompt communication strategy
  • Transparency
  • Use of Technology to maintain engagement
  • Reduction of communication barriers
  • Personalised approach
  • Prompt execution of Investment Funds
  • Use of technology and sector-driven business intelligence analytics
  • Promotion of Client Feedback

Our Investment and Oversight Values

As a conservative organisation, Wren Eames fundamentally invests in People. Vital contributing factors driving our decisions, are anchored in the Management and Leadership of Organisations that steer our capital invested towards the achievement of their goals whilst sharing our values of trust, faith and longevity.

Our engagement on behalf of our Advisory and Consultancy Clients is always rooted in their favour, bringing with it our ethics and conservative analytical business intelligence skills that are deployed to illuminate, empower, mitigate risk and achieve success in an appropriate manner.

Code of Ethics

Wren Eames maintains a strong ethical foundation that are woven into the fabric of our values. We are a conservative firm and ensure that the strategies which we create and implement are compliant to our corporate culture of transparency and measured growth that is rooted in our reputation for integrity. We strive to avoid situations that might cause a conflict of interest between our Organisation, our Clients and their goals and ourselves. All Directors and employees are expected to adhere to these guidelines. Failure to comply with our Code of Ethics may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 places particular importance on the ethical behaviour of the directors and senior financial executives of Asset Managers. This law requires Wren Eames to provide full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports filed for and on behalf of Clients, and to comply with all applicable government laws, rules and regulations.

The following provides an overview of Wren Eames’ policy:

Confidential Information

  1. As set forth by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 as well as by state law, confidential information acquired through the course of engagement with prospective Clients about their businesses or personal goals is to be used solely for and in favour of the Client and not as a basis for furthering a private interest.
  2. A staff member may not disclose confidential information of one customer to another customer or to any other outside party, unless determined by federal or state law. Disclosure to other Wren Eames deal team members are kept to a minimum on a need-to-know basis.

Information, regardless of the form in which it is stored or presented, is an asset of Wren Eames. As such, it is the responsibility of its Directors to protect it from unauthorized use, change, destruction and disclosure. Wren Eames does highlight that that all communication, including e-mails and communication through other electronic means, can be subpoenaed; therefore, the appropriateness and the professionalism of all Banking and related information is paramount. Any breach of confidence by an employee results in immediate disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment.

Conflict of Interest

  1. A Wren Eames Director shall not represent Wren Eames in any transaction where he or she has any material connection or substantial financial interest.
  2. Specifically, a material connection includes the involvement of any family member. By extension, close personal friends also provide the potential for a similar conflict of interest. This policy includes, but is not limited to, approval of Investment opportunities, authorizing or accepting payments on uncollected funds, waiving of fees and taxable income. It also includes processing and providing funding as loans and or waiving required documentation or any similar type of activity.
  3. A Wren Eames employee may not accept a directorship of another corporation without approval of the Board of Directors. Charitable and nonprofit organizations are exceptions to this general policy.
  4. Wren Eames will not give preferential treatment to any outside interest of our Directors or Employees. Utilization of these outside interests will be on the same basis as any independent vendor and in accordance with the Related Person Transactions Approval Policy.
  5. No employee involved in purchasing or in investing for Wren Eames or a member of his/her family will accept any gift, hospitality, or entertainment that could potentially influence Wren Eames’ investing decision or appear to have such influence.

Fraudulent or Dishonest Activities

Policy Statement:

Section 806 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 creates a civil cause of action protecting employees, termed “whistleblowers” in the Act, who are discharged or adversely affected in their employment conditions because they lawfully provide information, cause information to be provided, or otherwise assist in any investigation of conduct of the employer, officers or other employees of Wren Eames which the employee “reasonably believes” to constitute a violation of the federal criminal statutes prohibiting mail, wire, bank or securities fraud, any rule or regulation of the Securities and Exchange Commission or any provision of federal law relating to fraud against shareholders.

Rights and Responsibilities:

All employees of Wren Eames are encouraged to promptly report fraudulent, dishonest or questionable conduct.

An employee should report his or her concerns to a supervisor, manager or other bank officer. If for any reason an employee finds it difficult to report his or her concerns to a supervisor, manager or other bank officer, the employee can confidentially and anonymously report suspected misconduct directly to the audit committee. To do so, write to:

Please note “confidential” on the email and it will be delivered to an Audit Committee member. All other email is opened by a Wren Eames compliance and oversight auditor.

During the investigation process, best efforts will be made to protect the identification of those who file reports. However, confidentiality during this process cannot be guaranteed. Wren Eames, in accordance with the required laws, will protect those who report fraudulent, dishonest or questionable conduct from retaliation.

Outside Interests

All outside business interests or employment for non-officers must be approved by the immediate supervisor; for Officers, approval must come from the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive.

Asset Management

We provide our Clients with critical advisory services for their Investments, Fixed Assets and Financial Assets, as well as providing full support, guidance and assistance with Asset Development from inception to maturity and if so required exit. Our Clients trust us to assist them navigate through the maze of complex financial products, assets and services that are inherent with Global Financial Institutions and Capital Markets.

Our primary objective is to assist our investors develop and, or manage their investment portfolios and assets, to generate growth and the best sustainable returns.

Real Estate

Wren Eames has developed two investment platforms as investment vehicles for our Real Estate investment arm and Investors. Wren Eames provides equity and debt capital to property developers in selected Countries and Cities for the development, timely delivery, Sales and Lease of both Commercial and Residential properties. Our focus is on properties that will generate guaranteed long- term sustainable income and growth for our investors.

We also invest in Commercial and Residential properties by buying tradable undervalued properties and units due to neglect and poor maintenance or default from their previous owners. Wren Eames uses its professional expertise and available resources to transform these properties before either reselling or leasing these properties to the market with a significant return on investment to our investors.

Private Equity

At Wren Eames, we track overall current and historical market performance, market characteristics and measured risks, while identifying undervalued assets and stocks with strong and guaranteed catalysts for a potential increase in value for investment purposes.

While investing in Private companies with large market capitalisations, we equally deploy a significantly percentage of our investment capital outlay through leverage buyouts as well as acquisitions of highly viable small market cap and middle market cap Companies with strong management teams seeking to grow organically, with guaranteed long-term sustainable potential for growth, profitability and impressive returns for our investors. We have various investment platforms that potential and our current investors can benefit from.


Wren Eames provides short and long-term capital investment in assets through both corporate debt and equity participations. We use our Capital, experience and expertise to support growing Companies with strong Management Teams and clear, well defined strategies.

Our focus is on high growth enterprises, investing and supporting early stages of Companies in Technology Innovation, Defence, Healthcare, Consumer Products, Real Estate, Currencies and other sectors that align with our investment objectives.

Specialised Asset Finance and Investments

Wren Eames has a dedicated team of specialised asset finance and investment professionals to manage our platform of specialised assets. We are focused on specified assets where there is a clearly defined opportunity for investors, be it through short term investment buy and sale, long term asset acquisitions, direct vendor or client finance, leasing or asset trading.

In all transactions, we apply our well-known conservative and diligent asset management to ensure both on-going monitoring of asset maintenance and prevailing asset values, to provide the best asset protection for our investors.

This branch of Wren Eames specialises in a limited number of high value and mobile assets which are transacted on a confidential basis to protect the returns and interest of our Clients and Investors alike.


Wren Eames acts as a central oversight body and trade regulator between Corporate and Government Buyers, and Commodities Producers. With a structured and conservative approach, Wren Eames is the Regulator and mediator of Trades in Oil and Gas, Energy, Precious Metals and Consumer Goods as part of our core business.


Working at the pinnacle of new disruptive strategies, FINTECH will be part of the global financial community that will continue to empower and develop new verticals of trade and commerce in the future. We own and have developed our very own copyright Fintech solution that is currently in Phase 2 of its development.

For more information, please contact:


We are active market participants in the acquisition of assets and facilitation of trade in both the Oil and Gas sector, as well as the Renewable Energy market.

Considering the vast requirement for sources of energy worldwide, our approach is to bridge the requirements of our Buyers and Sellers, ensuring transparency with a long-term commitment to the sector. We assess the demand and provide structured solutions through financial compliance and complete transactional management and oversight from Spot Deals up to long term engagements. We ensure that terms of agreement are qualified and provides security to our Clients globally.

Renewable Energy

We provide comprehensive acquisition of Hydropower, Biofuels, Wind, Tidal and Solar power by bridging our Investors requirements with renowned providers in the European Union, UK, USA and Japan, that are constantly innovating to develop new technological advances in their field of expertise.


Wren Eames enables a diverse variety of acquisitions of High Value Assets such as Real Estate, Art, Corporations and Rare Goods through our global network of certified, secure and verified sources. Our Clients benefit from our cost-conscious approach and diligent security protocols such as Legal Compliance as well as our valuation and appraisal regulations.

Raising Capital

Wren Eames see ourselves as a Clients partner to jointly define goals, discuss suitable strategies and successfully implement their capital requirement solutions. Knowing that the entry point for all Investors varies considerably, our history of success and access to global High Net Worth Families, Family Offices, Institutional Lenders and Private Credit is well known in the conservative markets.

Traditionally, IPO’s and rights issues were the preferred entry point for many Institutional Investors whilst seed or angel investing used to be in the province of High Net Worth and sophisticated investors, however, even is this space there are entry points through specialised funds and new avenues. Wren Eames are at the forefront of Private placements and see this as an area of rapid growth as increasingly, businesses seek other ways to grow outside of a public listing.

In a wide variety of entrepreneurial situations, raising capital and providing growth capital is essential and every company needs a tailor-made solution to finance growth. Requirements for Organisations often have to overcome many hurdles to sustainably raise capital and the current market environment is becoming increasingly challenging. In addition to daily business, familiarising oneself with the structures of the private capital market in order to gain access to attractive investors is challenging.

We assist and manage Organisations to exploit growth opportunities. Together with our Clients, we develop an answer to the question of who the right partners and capital providers are for Growth Capital, Private Equity, majority or minority participation of strategic investors, IPOs and Corporate Debt issuance.

As with any Investment, rigorous research is conducted by Wren Eames to ensure the right opportunity meets an investors risk tolerance and return expectations.

Sectors we invest in

At Wren Eames, we actively participate in mature markets that include but are not limited to the following sectors:

  • Energy
  • Technology
  • Real Estate
  • Logistics
  • Business Aviation
  • Oil and Gas

Supervision, Regulation and Oversight:

Wren Eames believes in the crucial importance of Supervision, Regulation and Oversight in Business and Investment in an ever-evolving dynamic global business environment. The consequences of non- adherence are severe, including losses, fines, legal action and damage to the project or the Investors or Organisation’s reputation.

As a cornerstone to business and investments, Wren Eames implements our key practices in our Oversight and Regulatory capacity when acting in a capacity to supervise the use and application of Clients funds that have been placed into specific projects or investments operated by a third party.

Oversight is an essential part of any Clients Investment and entails monitoring, supervising and auditing all aspects of deployment, use of proceeds, cash flow and income from a portfolio or project to ensure activities are compliant with regulations and standards. Independent supervision prevents the abuse of the funds, violations of regulations, identifies potential risks and mitigates them.

Wren Eames take several steps whist being engaged as Supervision, Regulation and Oversight Consultants. These include but are not limited to:

  • Supporting the steering committee
  • Trade advisory and support structure creation and supervision
  • The identification of core and non-core functions
  • Conducting regular risk assessments to identify potential risks
  • Supporting behavioural insights teams within Talent Management
  • Creating and implementing policies and procedures that comply with regulations
  • Conducting internal audits to identify compliance gaps and taking corrective action
  • Engaging with Shareholders, Regulatory bodies and Clients to stay up-to-date on changes to regulations and implementation of directives
  • Identification potential risks
  • Risk mitigation
  • Maintain and increase credibility and reputation
  • Enhance operational efficiency for Organisations and Clients
  • Quality control of regulatory management tools (i.e. reviewing the quality of individual regulatory impact assessments, stakeholder engagement processes, and ex post evaluations)
  • Issuance or provision of relevant guidance on the use of regulatory management tools
  • Co-ordination on regulatory policy
  • Systematic evaluation of regulatory policy

As a general overview, the exact protocols and procedures to be adhered to shall be tailor made for each specific project or investment on a case by case basis in order to ensure the highest standard of financial regulation and due diligence.

Furthermore, each specific case shall be conducted in conjunction with the operating team for the project and communicated with the Client prior to establishing the basis for the financial regulation, in order to ensure the most efficient use of funds and avoid any disputes with working capital or time delays in the project where possible.

Wren Eames as an Independent Investment Supervision, Regulation and Oversight Business Partner:

Outsourcing oversight to Wren Eames provides Business with range of benefits including but not limited to:

  • Updated and versatile expertise and knowledge
  • Reducing the burden of compliance on the Organisation
  • Reduction in costs associated
  • Reduction in risk associated with reporting
  • Unbiased reporting to the Organisation and Ultimate Beneficial Owners

Contact Us

Information Governance and Contacting Wren Eames:

Wren Eames complies in full with the EU GDPR Regulations as well as abiding with our various Financial and Underwriting Institutions’ code of conduct. To protect our Clients data, Wren Eames updates our policies and procedures regularly, when operational changes occur and in the event of a court or regulatory decision or changes in regulatory guidance.

Officers authorised to process, receive and issue documentation exclusively are the CEO and CFO of Wren Eames.

To combat fraud and illicit use of a Clients data, Wren Eames does not acknowledge, illegally request for nor accept information from unverified sources on behalf of an Ultimate Beneficial Owner. Existing and prospective Clients are explicitly advised to contact an authorised Wren Eames Officer officially to verify any claims of representation or data issuance being made on behalf of the firm.

For further information and to explore your options with Wren Eames, please contact:

  • Alfred Johnson
    Founder. Chief Executive

  • Michael Davies
    Partner. Chief Financial Officer

To report an incident or unlawful conduct of a Wren Eames Officer, please contact:


For all auxiliary requirements, please contact:


Legal Entity Identifier

  • 894500FNP4XG1LIYZ117 – Wren Eames GmbH
  • 894500CM81IL5TWSR126 – Wren Eames Project Development LLP